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Rape Aggression Defense Program

R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) is the largest women's self-defense training program in the country, being taught by more than 350 universities and municipal law enforcement departments nationwide.

The Rape Aggression Defense Basic Personal Defense System is a national program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques taught for women only. All courses are taught by nationally certified R.A.D. Instructors.

How to Apply...

  1. Print out the application online or pick up an application from the UC Merced Police Department.
  2. Complete the application.
  3. Turn in your application to the UC Merced Police Department


      RAD Course Application

Where is the RAD class held?

RAD classes are held at various locations, depending on class size.


When is the RAD class?

To schedule a RAD class, please contact Sergeant Rafael Chavez at

 Instructors Information

Gina Gutierrez

What is R.A.D.?

  • The Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) basic personal defense system is a national program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques taught for women only. All courses are taught by nationally certified RAD Instructors.
  • The goal of RAD is to provide realistic self-defense options to women, regardless of their level of physical conditioning. Students at all levels of ability, age, experience and strength will be provided with techniques and information that can be used self-defense from the first day of class. RAD is not a martial arts program, nor does it require students to be athletes to succeed.
  • The RAD system will provide students with the knowledge to make an educated decision about personal defense. We provide information on physical and non-physical options, as well as insight into the attacker mindset.
  • Every student receives a manual for reference and practice. Once a student has completed a RAD program, her signed manual becomes a lifetime ticket for free practice with any RAD instructor in the U.S. and Canada.
  • The widespread acceptance of the RAD system is due to the ease, simplicity and effectiveness of the tactics, solid research, legal defensibility and unique teaching methodology. RAD is the only self defense program endorsed by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators.